Monday, December 05, 2005

Carpools Should Be Fun...Why Aren't They?

I've asked the few friends I've got left (and who have a job) why don't they carpool more often. After they asked me for the money that I owed them (and realized that they weren't getting any) they answered my question.

These are the reason my friends don't carpool more often

10. You have to smell good
9. You can't get drunk
8. You can't fart
7. You can't play with yourself
6. You can't 'play' with the other passengers
5. No one can agree on the music
4. You can't 'dig for gold'
3. You can't sing
2. You can't drag
1. You can't get high

Maybe we all need to carpool more often but as I think of the reasons my friends gave, maybe buying a scooter is a better deal.


Please link to me or do I have to come to your neighborhood and beg for scraps?

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