Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Rush Limbaugh Calls Hybrids "Pointless"

I believe hybrids are a part of America solutions to our oil concerns. A part. Other parts of my solution to lessen our dependence on foreign oil include drilling for oil in Alaska and off the coasts of California and Florida.

Mr. Limbaugh states (I'm paraphrasing) that auto makers such as Ford want the government(i.e. you the taxpayer) to expand subsidies to help them build hybrids and he believes that is wrong.

It is wrong. It's akin to me going to Washington and saying, "You know that Drudge Report gets five million hits a day. I can't compete. I need government to dole me out about two million dollars and I'll be cool."

Hybrids are all the rage in Hollywood and parts of Europe but they haven't caught on in America like the X-Box, HD-TV and the I-Pod.

But they will. When? I don't know when but they will. All new tech takes time to work out the kinks.

Asking for a subsidy to make them or trying to force someone to buy one or denouncing the oil industry won't sell one hybrid at all.


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