Tuesday, July 08, 2008


ANWR is short for Alaskan National Wildlife Refugee. No, Artic National Wildlife Refuge. Many Republicans and many Americans of both parties want to drill for oil in ANWR. Many Democrats and many Americans of both parties do not want to drill for oil in ANWR. Depending on your point of view, the area designated for drilling is either a barren wasteland or the most magical place on Earth.

ANWR is 19 million acres and supporters of drilling only want a tiny part of about 2000 acres to explore for oil. To date, most amendments allowing for exploration have been voted down by Congress.

As of July 2008, both presidential candidates, Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama both oppose drilling for oil in ANWR.

Wait a minute? Why am I writing about it then? Oh yeah, gasoline is hovering around $4.00 a gallon and looks to go higher. So, which presidential candidate will cave in on this issue?

The following video is pro drilling. The only data it leaves out is how much oil exists in ANWR.

The Energy Information Administration (whoever the hell they are) and President George W Bush have said that ANWR could produce about a million additional barrels of oil or 27 million gallons of gasoline a day.

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