Friday, July 11, 2008

We Should Drill More In Alaska...For Oil

IMHO not only should we drill for more oil in ANWR but also off the coasts of Florida and California. Alternative fuels should be a part of our energy policy but not the whole solution. No doubt. The American population is not getting any smaller and as the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina showed, we still rely heavily on fossil fuels.

We shouldn't ask other oil producers (OPEC) to boost their production when we can. It's similar to asking your neighbor for a loaf of white bread when you have two loaves of wheat on top of your fridge.

An acre, which is a common measurement of land area, is equal to 43,560 square feet.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is 20 million arces. That's almost as big as Michael Moore.

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