Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lower Gas Rates In 08

Politicians are great at telling you what you want to hear and using tax dollars to buy hookers. But, do they deliver? (Other than cash to their whores.) Can they lower gas prices?

In case you haven't noticed, this is a presidential election year. All of the remaining candidates have proposals to lower gas prices. Who has the best plan?

It seems to me that since all the remaining candidates are all current U.S. senators, they would offer up some legislation RIGHT NOW this would address the high price of gasoline instead of hauling oil executives before Congress as oil grows to $114.oo a barrel.

I'm just a blogger but maybe they should do something now instead of putting off until Jan. 09. Seeing as how they are all CURRENT U.S senators.

Now, Fuel Mode is going to spotlight each presidential candidate and their stance on the high cost of oil and oil products.

First video: U.S. Senator Barack Obama

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