Sunday, April 06, 2008

Cut The Fuel Tax? I Say Thee Nay!!!

Congress and presidential candidates are great at pointing the fingers at BIG OIL and saying that it's their fault you can't afford a full tank of gasoline and your meth habit.

What they won't tell you is that a large portion of the price of gasoline is a gas tax. What they will tell you is they won't cut the gas tax or eliminate it. My theory is that it will make them look like they're the ones responsible for the high price of gas and we ain't having that OR the state and federal government are making a bigger profit off of gasoline than BIG OIL would ever dream of.

How much do you pay in gas taxes? Follow this chart and see.

You see, they want you to believe that if gas taxes are cut someone that pothole that never has been fixed won't get filled or that bridge that collasped would of been repaired. Gas taxes funds the cost of transportation in America. You know, fixing bridges, potholes and cab fare for Alexandra Dupre.

That's all good and a bag of chips but who is paying for this 152 billion dollar economic stimulus bill?

Yeah, the gas tax won't be cut anytime soon. Deal with it.

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